WP3: Symbiotic human Interaction for Assistive Health Technology
WP3 is all about enhancing human interaction with Assistive Health Technology. We want these interactions to mimic how humans naturally learn from their surroundings and adapt. Both the control strategies and the users need to be flexible and motivated to work together effectively. The goal is to create a smooth and intuitive partnership between humans and assistive health technologies. To make this happen, four DCs will study the interactions needed for the success of assistive technology. They will encourage collaboration between biological and artificial nervous systems, improve user awareness, and enable the sharing of user-robot interactions in different wearable robotic systems. This will lead to truly symbiotic interactions, especially in challenging everyday tasks. DC8 focuses on enhancing Assistive Health Technology. DC9 will explore enhancing user-interaction awareness through situation-aware controller selection for robotassisted overground gait training. The primary objective of DC10 is to pioneer a hybrid approach that merges physics-based modelling with data-driven machine learning techniques, specifically focusing on co-adaptation for motion control of exo-aid. DC11’s key challenge is managing personalised interactions between Assistive Health Technology and users.