DC8: Sensing the intention to move in people with neurological movement disorders

Project: Sensing the intention to move in people with neurological movement disorders (WP3)

Host institution: UZH (Switzerland)

Supervisor: PD.Dr. M. Bolliger (UZH, Switzerland)

Co-supervisor(s): Assoc Prof. M. Kok (TUD), Prof. A. Curt (BAL)


Investigate real-time motion intention detection in individuals with neurological movement disorders using sensorbased methods, develop algorithms for a wearable system that assesses real-time 3D human motion assessment, and explore its use in con-trolling assistive technology.

Expected Results:

Establish a robust setup for reliable real-time 3D motion assessment in individuals with neurological movement disorders. Achieve accurate motion intention detection for wearable control.

Planned secondment(s):

  1. TUD (3 months, M17-M19): Analysis of motion intension detection to control wearables, with M. Kok (KPI: joint conference paper)
  2. BAL (3 months, M29-M31): Robust validation of the 3D motion assessment setup for real-time measurement with individuals with neu-rological movement disorders, with A. Curt (KPI: joint journal paper)

Enrolment in Doctoral degree: Doctoral School of University of Zurich (Switzerland)

Required profile: Electrical Engineering or Movement Science

Desirable skills/interests: Sensors – Measurement Techniques – Movement Analysis

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