DC7: Fusion of Electrical Stimulation with the Wearable Robot
Project: Fusion of Electrical Stimulation with the Wearable Robot (WP2)
Host institution: CSIC (Spain)
Supervisor: Dr. J.C. Moreno (CSIC, Spain)
Co-supervisor(s): Prof. T.Seel (LUH)
To develop biomimetic control strategies for active muscle recruitment via neuromuscular stimulation to augment mechanical motion support in wearable robotic exoskeletons for rehabilitation of walking.
Expected Results:
Novel solutions for augmented muscle motion support that augment mechanical actuation are expected to result in a more natural motion support that is driven by biofeedback
Planned secondment(s):
- LUH (3 months, M13-M15): Development of Edge sensing algorithms, with T. Seel ( (KPI: joint conference paper)
- FUHNPAIIN (3 months, M31-M33): Implementation and testing of biomimetic controlers in the clinical setting, with Gil-Agudo (KPI: joint journal paper)
Enrolment in Doctoral degree: Doctoral School of Leibniz University Hannover (Germany)
Required profile: Control Engineering or Robotics
Desirable skills/interests: HW/SW systems integration – biomechnical modelling – machine learning – electrical stimulation