DC10: Co-Adaptive Data-Driven Modeling for Precision Motion Control in Powered Exo-aid
Project: Co-Adaptive Data-Driven Modeling for Precision Motion Control in Powered Exo-aid (WP3)
Host institution: SSSA (Italy)
Supervisor: Dr. A. Filippeschi (SSSA, Italy)
Co-supervisor(s): Prof. H. Vallery (RWTH), Dr. I. Jakob (TYRO)
One of the main challenges in human-exoskeleton interaction is accounting for human behavior in the control of the exos. A control action purely based on physical models struggles to cope with the variability of the user’s input. The objective of this DC is to combine physics-based modeling with data-driven probabilistic machine-learning techniques to learn models of unknown human inputs from data and use these models in a closed-loop system to improve motion control in powered exo-a.
Expected Results:
- Novel algorithms to use physics-based models in combination with models learned from data in a control system that can be used for human-exo-aid interaction but also for a much wider range of applications.
Planned secondment(s):
- RWTH (3 months, M17-M19): design novel algorithms to use physics-based models in combination with models learned from sensory data, with H. Vallery (KPI: joint conference paper) •
- TYRO (3 months, M33-M35): Concept and investigation of physics-based models in combination with models learned in rehabiliation robots, with I. Jakob. (KPI: joint journal paper)
Enrolment in Doctoral degree: Doctoral School of Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Italy)
Required profile: Applicants should hold an MS degree in Engineering, preferably in Robotics, or Computer Science, and have a solid background in machine learning/AI. Good communication skills in English are mandatory.
Desirable skills/interests: Ideal applicants are enthusiastic about working with robots and sensor networks and like to experiment with their algorithms with humans in the loop. Analytical ways of thinking while being curious and creative are desirable skills for conducting research activities on this topic. Programming skills (C/C++, Python, Matlab/Simulink) are fundamental to successfully achieving the objectives. A good knowledge of robotics is desirable as well.