DC1: Application of system thinking and system safety to head-foot steering system for your powered wheelchair
Project: Application of system thinking and system safety to head-foot steering system for your powered wheelchair (WP1)
Host institution: KU Leuven (Belgium)
Supervisor: Prof. D. Pissoort (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Co-supervisor(s): PD.Dr. M. Bolliger (UZH), Dr. J.C. Moreno (CSIC)
Formulate a novel hazard analysis methodology integrating STAMP and STPA, involving human interaction in the assessment of powered wheelchair risks; Assess the efficacy of the developed methodology through application to two distinct use case studies.
Expected Results:
Developed hazard and risk analysis methodologies for assistive health technology based on Systems Thinking and Systems Theory, illustrated through two case studies, and created assurance case patterns for evaluating and arguing the dependability of powered wheelchairs.
Planned secondment(s):
- UZH (3 months, M25-M27): Impact of neurological movement disorders on the safety case, with M. Bolliger (KPI: joint conference paper)
- CSIC (3 months, M32-M34): Executable safety cases and integrating insights from interpreting user intentions (KPI: joint journal paper)
Enrolment in Doctoral degree: Doctoral School of KU Leuven (Belgium)
Required profile: Electrical Engineering or Computer Science
Desirable skills/interests: Systems Engineering – Safety Assurance – Systems Thinking – Risk Analysis